Monday 1 August 2011

#SBS Reunion - Will it Happen??

To have an #SBS reunion, party, get together or call it what you will is the burning question being asked. But when it happens it will bring together many winners who have become friends and great supporters of Small Business Sunday introduced by BBC Dragon Theo Paphitis. Some say it's the best club to be in and I would have to agree, so will the reunion happen or not? Only time will tell, and Theo has already said "I'm on the case" so that's good enough for me.
So in preperation I have set up my own #SBS checklist...heehee...
So I advise you all to do the same.....


shellybobbins said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha Laughed my socks off at this john, how funny to make a list !!! Im going to take your advice and make a check list too lol, I did tweet theo paphitis and I did get a tweet back saying hes on the case - so thats good enough for me too !!

love shellybobbins said...

Thanks Shelly for that. I thought that would get you giggling, nothing like having a good laugh we will live longer.


Coombe Mill - Fiona said...

What a fab idea! Bet it will be a lot of travelling for us on the celtic fringes. Be worth it though!